DAVE ZINNO UNISPHERE/River of January: This is a vastly different set from the kind from back in the day when jazzbos first discovered world beat and began to incorporate it. Zinno charts a course to a new world with players that can maneuver it with their eyes closed. Tasty jazz at the core throughout, this is a side of serious adult sitting down listening that really makes the time fly. Lusciously played throughout, this crew defines another facet of the sound of summer.
ERIC WYATT/Look to the Sky: A sax man that was kind of adopted by Sonny Rollins after his own father passed, this label debut is loaded with the kind of church basement honking you might expect from a cat given the freedom to chase that muse. Muscular, angular playing that takes no prisoners and gives no quarter, this hard hitting date will angry up your blood just enough to let you know your heart is still beating righteously. Tasty throughout.
Buy River of January and Look to the Sky here!